Annie is a fast, simple and clean video downloader built with Go. Download videos, playlists, and any multimedia resource with an URL. You can download multiple URLs at once and save your files with custom formats and quality presets. Annie is an open source project and built on the top of open-source projects. If you are interested, then you are welcome to contribute. A temporary .download file is kept in the output directory. If annie is ran with the same arguments, then the download progress will resume from the last session. Annie will auto retry when the download failed, you can specify the retry times by -retry option (default is 100). Cookies can be provided to annie with the -c option if they are required for accessing the video. If the -c is not set, annie will try to get the cookies from the current user’s Chrome or Edge automatically. To use this feature, you need to shutdown your Chrome or Edge for only one time and let annie launch the browser for you.

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